Sunday, 9 August 2009 - A new scam site out to get you

Another site that just has a failing casino system to offer, admittedly the guy has gone to some trouble to disguise it and it's not as obvious as most of them out there but the predicted earnings and sign-up system are a dead give away. Perhaps the most disgusting thing about this site is the line -

"Our goal is to increase the wealth of people in the Uk in the view
that individuals that apply this system will eventually feel the need to make
donations from there winnings."

Stay away from this one!

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Money Siphon System - - What A Scam

This has scam written all over it, it's basically a re-packaged e-book on selling on teh internet, all the information can be found for free and there although they do their best to bulk the package out by filling it with lots of useless bits of info too, I'd stay well away from this product.

Given, it's only $4.95, so you won't lose too much but the site itself is a hassle and an obvious scam - claiming to be mentioned on sites such as google, yahoo, msn etc (indeed it is but only because they bought google ads!) and listing numerous dodgy testimonies to try and sell you the product.

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