Monday 15 February 2010

Frugality reigns

It seems it's been a long time since my last post, almost 6 months in fact. Making money online is certainly more difficult than I expected - I felt ripped off by sites like who never paid me out, writing sites such as dooyoo and ciao, certainly help as does, blogging for a while also paid it's way. One thing I found though that it wasn't enough to survive on, whilst students being supported by parents might be able to do it, it's not a good method of looking after a family and when the opportunity of a job came up, I found that it was the most simple way. 8 hours a day at work and being able to switch off afterwards certainly has its benefits.

With more money in the bank account, I found that I just ended up spending more though and I haven't really managed to get rid of any of the debts I was hoping to. Frugality it seems is the key.

I once had a Jewish friend, whose spendthriftiness always impressed me, he could go out, travel and barely spend a penny, his fridge was empty but his bank account was doing nicely. He wasn't unhappy and despite being a bit tight at times, he also had plenty of friends. This skill had been passed on to him by his parents and growing up in a frugal environment had certainly done him well.

My parents have always spent what they've earnt and I'm pretty sure that's where I get my lack of money skills. I've been working on becoming frugal though and have to say that it eventually becomes a pleasure rather than a negative restricted feeling.

To make money, you have to spend money. In the next post I shall recommend frugal tricks.

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