Monday, 30 March 2009 - Not Quite A Scam

In my current search through google ads to alert you of what is a genuine earning opportunity and what isn't - I came across - a site which claims that you can start earning today and that you could earn up to $313,000.

The alert signs are there - the promises of high returns with little effort should be a warning sign, followed by a spiel which is so long that you forget that he's gone from "giving it away" to charging $22 dollars. The reason it's not exactly a scam though is that there are in theory potential profits to be made from it and the owner of the website tells you exactly what you are buying. This is where you need to engage your brain and work out that if he's selling so many money earning websites which are identical - you'll need decent experience in Search Engine Optimisation to get any actual traffic and even then the figures you will earn through it will be nothing in comparison to what the website suggested.

Personally, I'd steer clear of it but there are some small money earning possibilities there in theory.

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