Wednesday 1 April 2009 - Yet another scam of sorts takes you to a website, the famous "Tim Lowe System" who advertises through various websites his promise to make you "£15,000 to £57,000 a month", he also claims to have made over £3 million with it. The latter part might be true but what this website will have you doing is selling DVD's on how to get rich through classified ads. He gives you a talk through guide and some e-books on how to get started, the problem is - all of his customers will be doing the same thing and there's a limit to how many people can sell the same product, especially when it is essentially pointless information - the type which you yourself will have been paid for. There's nothing to say you can't profit a bit from it, that is if you have no morals and want to sell something worth nothing to someone! On top of that - you will have to outlay a fair amount of money first.

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