Saturday, 9 May 2009

Does Affiliano work or is it a scam?

It's a question that I've been asking myself ever since seeing a google ad for them, they claimed to make you $50 a day guaranteed. I can't see how they can guarantee anything, so I think that the advert is immediately misleading.

Although they say "he who dares wins", I'm a bit reluctant to fork out on the hostgator fee that these guys require. They give you a website for free, you choose a template and from then on all you have to do is bring traffic to your site which in turn refers them to affiliano. Affiliano have their tracks covered with numerous of the same articles on sites like ezine articles. A google search questioning whether they work throws up all sorts of irrelevant links.

As far as I can see, they are not really selling a product which must mean they are working in conjuction with hostgator. Perhaps the trick is that they get you to sign up to hostgator, where they themselves are an affiliate, then give you a template and require you to pay the monthly hosting fee which sends traffic to their site which in turn gets them more hostgator referrals.

Although relatively pointless, I suppose this could be profitable. If anyone could shed some light on whether it works, it would be quite good. In the mean time I will continue pondering over their authenticity.


Katalina said...
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Lani said...

Hey, the program has been working for me so far. I think it operates the way you mentioned above but if we both make money, isn't that the point? Anyway, I have earnt quite a bit more than I spent to get started so am feeling very positive about this program!

Anja Emerson said...

Their site really looks like a scam. If it's too good to be true, then it probably is.

I mean seriously, the fact they give you a 100$ bonus at the beginning is a clear sign that though their system might work, they're earning far more than you, whilst you're doing all the work. It's the only way their business could make sense.

Anonymous said...

i think its a scam, the main focus seems to be on recruiting new members to invest

is it free to join?

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